
Author Archive

Running Will (Not?) Ruin Your Knees!

Posted on: October 13th, 2015 by Dan Sivertson

It has been an oft-cited phrase, “running will ruin your knees”. On the face of it, it seems plausible. Most running is done in urban environments on concrete. Running is the act of jumping alternately from one foot to the other. Most recreational runners use a cadence of about 165 steps per minute, so in […]

Foam Rolling II : How it Works and Some Examples

Posted on: June 23rd, 2015 by Dan Sivertson

How does it Work ? In my last post ( Foam Rolling I ) I talked about the research evidence for foam rolling. You should read it, but the take home message is that foam rolling: can help increase flexibility in the short term (for about 10 minutes after rolling) can increase flexibility in the […]

Foam Rolling I

Posted on: May 27th, 2015 by Dan Sivertson

When I returned to Canada in 2005 after 6 years of studying and working in Australia a few things had changed. Vancouver had massive buildings, not everyone was wearing Mountain Equipment Co-op Gore-Tex jackets every waking second (they were wearing something called lulu lemon instead) and a lot of physios and trainers were having their […]

Get to know us!

Posted on: May 21st, 2015 by Dan Sivertson
Dan Sivertson

Hello, and welcome to the Pure Form Physio Blog!  The goals for this blog are to share interesting health and fitness news and research, let you know about local sports events Pure Form Physio is involved with and last, but not least, to let you know more about Pure Form Physio. Physiotherapy Let’s start with […]

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