Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Treatment

The jaw joint is called the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). You have two TMJs, as you have one on the left and right. The symptoms of TMJ dysfunction (TMD) include ringing in the ear (Tinnitus), jaw pain, headaches in the temple region, clicking jaw, locking jaw, upper neck pain, and pain with eating and chewing. You may have one, some, or all of these symptoms.
The main causes of TMD are sustained opening of the mouth in dental procedures, trauma such as being hit in the face, neck whiplash, irregular food chewing patterns, chewing gum, fingernail chewing, and clenching of the teeth at night or day.
Although everyone’s treatment is different, treatment often focuses on a few main areas. Once we understand your individual risk factors, we need to work with you on the habits ( eg. clenching the jaw) that may be contributing to the problem. Our hands-on approach of gentle manual therapy to the neck and TMJs relieves muscle tension and often reduces TMD. Home Exercises to improve mouth opening are also added to the treatment plan. Some people also do well with relaxation techniques, as this can assist the tension that often leads to headaches and jaw pain. If stress is a big part of the problem, we may suggest working with a counsellor to help reduce emotional tension which can transfer into jaw and head muscular tension. When needed, we discuss the treatment plan with the patient’s dentist to see how we can work together to improve the patient’s function.
TMD is very manageable once you have gained a little assistance and knowledge !
We have 3 TMJ physiotherapists at Pure Form Physiotherapy that would be happy to assist you. Please book with Dan, Riley or Emily if you suspect you may have temporomandibular joint dysfunction.